Majalah Sunday

Memorable Trip in the Philippines

Memorable Trip in the Philippines​ Penulis: Floristika Apraluya Flagracia – Universitas Kristen Indonesia Bianca realized that studying at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences was a challenge for her. She disliked journaling, analyzing events, and develop a cultural mindset. So she felt overwhelmed. Moreover, she entered the Tourism study program. She has to learn a new… Continue reading Memorable Trip in the Philippines

Understanding Cultural Values in Daily Life

Understanding Cultural Values in Daily Life Penulis: Pelangi Adelia Primadiani – Universitas Kristen Indonesia Hello Sunners! It is very important for us to understand more about cultural values in our daily lives, especially with global changes and intercultural interactions. But why do we need to understand that? And what lessons can we learn to make… Continue reading Understanding Cultural Values in Daily Life

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