Majalah Sunday

Lampor: A Mysterious Phantom From The Land Of Java

Penulis: Muhammad Iqbal Oshmany – UNJ

If you think of something spooky in Indonesia, you might immediately think of Pocong, Kuntilanak, Tuyul, etc. Each of them has unique and different characteristics (although they are all scary anyway). For example, Pocong walks by jumping, Kuntilanak has a distinctive laugh, and Tuyul is known to steal people’s money. However, have you ever heard about a mysterious phantom called Lampor? Indeed, it’s not as famous as the other ghosts, but it’s got a background that might interest you. Of course, it also has a unique characteristic that distinguishes it from other ghosts. Do you want to know about it? Check this out!

What is Lampor?

Before we continue, make sure you’re not alone and have already locked the door; otherwise, there’s someone who wants to read with you xD. Joke aside, what exactly is a Lampor? So basically, Lampor is a mysterious phantom who carries a flying coffin at night. It is often found in the areas of Central and East Java. Many people believe that Lampor is a part of Nyi Roro Kidul’s (a supernatural figure from Indonesian folklore) procession. Lampor has various forms; some say its shape is like a flying coffin or black smoke that resembles a human. So, when you see something like that, be careful; there might be a Lampor around you.

What are the Effects of the Presence of Lampor?

Stories about Lampor first appeared around the 1960s but grew dimmer over time. People believe that Lampor’s presence will bring disasters, such as illness or even death. This mysterious phantom will first knock on someone’s door. If the person opens the door, then he will be taken away with the coffin and immediately disappear. Some believe that the person who was kidnapped by Lampor will return to a different state, aka crazy. This is why parents in Indonesia, especially in Central and East Java, forbid their children from playing too late. Then, what are the characteristics of Lampor’s arrival? Does he have a weakness? Just keep reading then!😊

The Characteristics of Lampor’s Arrival & How to Deal with It

Lampor’s presence is marked by a strong gust of wind, a voice that sounds like welwo welwo (Javanese digowo, which means kidnapped), and a loud knock on the door. If you experience this, immediately lie on the floor or under the bed. This is because Lampor’s weakness is that he can’t duck, so you’ll be safe if you use this method. Hopefully, you will remember this during your panic.

Have you ever heard about a mysterious phantom called Lampor? Indeed, it's not as famous as the other ghosts, but it's got a background that might interest you.
Have you ever heard about a mysterious phantom called Lampor? Indeed, it's not as famous as the other ghosts, but it's got a background that might interest you.

Well, that’s all I can share with you about Lampor. If you want to know more about Lampor, you can watch a movie called Lampor: Keranda Terbang, here is the trailer link Alright, that’s all from me. I hope you will never meet this mysterious phantom. See you soon and stay healthy guys.


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