Di momen liburan Natal 2024 lalu, Majalah Sunday berkolaborasi bersama Prodi Sastra Inggris UKI, mengajak para remaja untuk mengisi liburan Natal dengan workshop creative writing, networking bareng teman-teman dari sekolah lain, dan kompetisi menulis yang memberikan kesempatan karya mereka diterbitkan + mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah S1 Sastra Inggris dari UKI! 🎁
Cek yuk hasilnya berikut ini…
…we celebrate not just the beauty of the written word,
but also the diverse and heartfelt stories that reflect the
spirit of Christmas across Indonesia.
The “From Streets to Stories: An Indonesian Christmas”
writing competition has been a wonderful journey, bringing
together young voices from all over the archipelago. In this
book, you will find the stories of six talented winners, whose
works stood out for their creativity, insight, and emotional
From the Non-Jabodetabek category, we are proud to feature:
And from the Jabodetabek category, we are thrilled to
Tas Ransel Mini Half Pint JanSport, ukuran yang pas untuk si gesit yang suka aktivitas seharian.
Kado Unik untuk Rayain Natal
Origami Christmas Tree